If you’ve found this book, it’s likely you are already disenchanted with the medical-pharmaceutical industry’s despicable conduct toward the public, particularly in cancer treatment.
Earlier books by Kelly contain more detailed background and context–necessary maybe for a skeptical public. This book presents the material and method much more simply and clearly, like a recipe. You should have all his books, but this one would be the most dog-eared.
Dr. Kelly’s methodology for counter-acting cancer simply works. I know because I observed it. My step-mother had breast cancer that had spread through her shoulder and down to her elbow when the treatment began.
For comparison, my mother died of ovarian cancer years before, and it had cost my father his entire lifetime of earning. The medical industry took every last dime, drove him into bankruptcy, and provided no positive results whatsoever for my mother over nearly 2 years. In economics, you supposedly exchange your valuable (money) for another valuable (results). No results means you don’t pay or you get your money back. Not in modern medicine.
So when my stepmother contracted cancer, the alternative route was the only way. My father spent a year delivering the Kelly protocol to her, and by that time the cancer was completely gone. Before, any movement of her arm was excruciating. After, she could throw her arm around like a 10 year old in any direction with no pain. The cancer had shrunk until all the cells had been expelled.
She did eventually succumb, after 3 more years of life. The lifelong dietary routine that must be followed to keep the cancer in remission is very strict, and in the end she fell off it. Soon after, the cancer came back more virulently.
The Kelly method works. It may not work for everyone, but I know of no other protocol with the same success percentage and number of documented cases. Certainly its success rate is far better than that of the standard medical-pharmaceutical industry, and the cost is far less.